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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum pharetra velit, in molestie lectus vulputate venenatis. Nam semper lacinia justo. Vestibulum lacinia tincidunt nulla, nec pretium lectus posuere ac. Nam pellentesque a augue quis efficitur. Phasellus vel ornare massa. Praesent non felis diam. Cras porttitor odio ex, eu laoreet nisi auctor sit amet. Nam ut nulla erat. Duis in dui ullamcorper, imperdiet leo nec, auctor metus.

Vestibulum lobortis nisl eget fermentum blandit. Etiam ut fringilla eros. Sed vel mollis sem, et vestibulum turpis. Etiam sit amet aliquet nisi. Etiam aliquam vestibulum magna. Nulla nunc ante, gravida iaculis tortor id, gravida sodales nulla. Morbi eu facilisis enim. Nam est tortor, suscipit vitae tincidunt nec, eleifend quis nisi.



The name ARCHETYPE comes from ancient Greece, and refers to a Platonic concept of pure form, which was believed to embody the fundamental characteristics of everything. A status, an idea, a prototype, a 'first' form, or a main model that other models and objects copy, emulate or try to 'merge' with.

Car interior sketch

The ARCHETYPE concept is a luxury electric sedan with an all-new GT limousine architecture created by Michael Robinson, world-renowned designer and pioneer of advanced Italian car design: the visual impact of the elegant, eye-catching, low-slung exterior is surpassed only by the modern, spacious interior.

Car steering wheel
Car interior sketch 2

Produced in just 45 days by HONPE Technology, from CAD model to complete show car, this prototype emphasises the ever-increasing speed required of the industry, without sacrificing quality, but on the contrary, raising the bar even higher

This revolutionary project sets a new benchmark in the automotive industry and underlines HONPE Technology's ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in automotive design.

Car interior back part
Car interior front part
Car interior total

"It's a remarkable feeling to see the future in my mind's eye and then watch as it's transformed onto paper, and eventually, into a real, tangible creation. The Team at HONPE Technology has taken my vision for the future of the automotive industry and brought it to life in the form of our incredible car. I'm thrilled to be part of this journey, and I can't wait to see how our innovation will shape the future of mobility"

-Mike Robinson

Registered Office:  Via  G. Leopardi, 7, 20123

Milan (MI), Italy

Operational Headquarters: Via della Locanda 9, 41036, Medolla (MO), Italy

Phone: +39 (0) 535 181 0728



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